Spark Plug Wires


Marine Spark Plug Wires

Some boaters believe that marine spark plug wires and those manufactured for land vehicles are interchangeable. That is not the case. Many boating forums offer discussions regarding this topic, citing the difference in wire thickness, the need for a waterproof wire casing, improved ignition, and other differences proving that marine spark plug wires require different characteristics than automotive plug wires. Wholesale Marine agrees, however, a key difference between the two is the length of the wire itself. Marine wire sets are longer as these must be routed around the marine exhaust manifold. An additional major difference between these different spark plug wire sets is that the marine distributors have different cap ends than those in automotive sets.

Get the Right Marine Spark Plug Wires

Whatever the size, make, or model of your craft, Wholesale Marine stocks the right marine spark plug wires for it. We carry Sierra’s line of quality marine wiring sets for every boat and budget. If you have questions regarding what spark plug wire kit your boat requires, use our parts finder online or give us a call at (877) 388-2628. Need a spark plug wire set or a MerCruiser 4.4L MPI with Delco HEI ignition? Got it!  From a top-of-the-line Sierra 18-8838-1 Wire Plus Set, to Sierra’s 18-8802-1 Wire Plug Set for an 8-cylinder GM-based engine with a conventional ignition, Wholesale Marine has everything your boat needs, at competitive prices and we offer unparalleled service.

Customer care begins with a call to our representatives. We’re here Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM until 6:00 PM, EST at (877) 388-2628. Sound advice and discount prices on quality marine products are just the beginning. We offer same-day shipping at a flat rate. Be sure to inquire about our Captain’s Loyalty program to receive additional discounts on future purchases! Call us! We look forward to serving you!